Kirkstall Art Trail
I became secretary of the Kirkstall Art Trail committee at the end of last year. Since then we have been planning furiously, ready to make an Art Trail worth shouting about. I was tasked with creating a new website. And after a week of researching and writing and tweaking the website it’s ready to view.…
A Collection of Cards
I like the simplicity of this drawing, and the metallic pens. This one will be water? Or maybe every cloud has its silver lining, every fish has its gold? I am going to create more with similar aesthetics.
Kirkstall Art Trail – 2023
I started this drawing in May. I’d been unable to finish until now. After the weekend of Kirkstall Art Trail (15-16 July), I was full of positivity. I’d seen many different people, as they were welcomed into my home – which I had set up as a makeshift gallery, and they liked my art, they…
First Attempts with Lino Printing
I’ve had pieces of Lino (SoftCut) and all the paraphernalia that goes with it for more than a year now (probably two if I’m honest), so far I have cut and printed some leaves, and designed a Christmas card which I sent out to friends and family in December 2022. The leaves were incredibly simple,…
Village of Thwaite, North Yorkshire
I completed this drawing at the end of 2022, but wasn’t sold by the shadowing I had done on the road and house. I decided when I was cleaning up the image in photoshop (removing dust and dog hairs that had strayed onto the drawing and revealed in scanning) to remove the pen stippling on…
Arts and Minds Annual Exhibition
The annual Arts and Minds exhibition is back, once again it is hosted online and can be found here.